Night shot taken at Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park...Hope you like!
1 second exposures...11 of them--each superimposed 30% over the other...using a tripod, of course......
htshot....f22/4 second exposures.....11 of them---on a tripod--stitched as a panorama utilizing CS2...
-in Atlanta Georgia ..Actual final image is over 65M---lots of detail, since I shot in the vertical!...
Noonish shot, of Atlanta, using a hand held diffuser-shot at f10.2 1/250th...
ed my camera on a countertop and used the timer to avoid any possible jiggles.. f10.2 at 2 seconds....
Just colorful and Yummy!
One of my personal favorites-in Black and White...Taken at dusk in Oakland Cemetery
A favorite at Historic Oakland .
A winner at the Historic Oakland Cemetery contest-2002,
Another image shot at Historic Oakland Cemetery-September 2003 in the late afternoon sunshine.
nd Cemetery, here in Atlanta, one late sunny Afternoon-using a handheld diffuser and my little Nikon...
and feel the mist I enjoyed here on this evening -Taken during one of the last warm days of summer....
h a handheld Diffusion Filter--Thought the green background held an interesting contrast in color......
A study in contrasts...Typical scene outside Underground
Plenty of variety here---in many ways!
Right here in Hot'Lanta---This is the Original Krispy Kreme part and Parcel-by moonlight----
ther glimpse of another Nighttime Atlanta hot spot...Hand Held against a lamp post for 1/3 sec f 7.1...
Atlanta----Love those late night shots!!!- hand held,while braced against a lamp post 1/2 sec f7.1...
I just love the Bride!
One of the finest eateries in this city--1/2 sec hand held shor at f8//Late!
Another presence in Atlantas'....Life
to Midnight---at , You guessed it--The rockin' Hard Rock Cafe, right here in H'otlanta-GA!...
/4 sec hand held night shot///removed a bit of color..and Viola...taken at about 1040pm Friday night...
is brought to us from a window at the World of Coca Cola, here in Fabulous Atlanta...The home of.......
One of my favorite chile cheese slaw dawg joints---Luckily, close-by...Here in H'otlanta!
lack and white-mixed with a dash of color...part of a series I am calling "Atlanta's..."...
Out and About Atlantas' favorite haunts...This is one of my deliscious favorites!
vening shot of a late night kind of place...another Atlanta Icon, and One of my personal favorites!...
drama of black and white-mixed with color-helped draw out some of the meaning of this image, to me....
to an opening of a photography show....Loacated, shall we um say, not in the Best of neighborhoods?...
Shot here in Atlanta-at the Best Chili-Cheese-Slaw Dog haunt in town!
the back of the tigers ears. They are what the cubs use to recognize their own particular mother..-...
ch make our skyline so unique...Hope you like this shot--It did make the efforst seem worthwhile.......
prefocused at nearly infinity. Hope you like this different perspective--I was happily surprised.......
too!I didn't know what category to enter this into..and recall space as being a place, so.........
One of Atlantas' Favorite haunts....
al," street scene-not far from where I work in Atlanta...No telling what I do for a living...?!?...