t and wonder on that bench for a long while before returning to a different and much busier reality....
y.A welcome respite in the throes of the August heat, here at home, in the big busy city of Atlanta....
headache dissipated-and the fog lifted-and I continued off and on my way, to Glacier National Park. ...
quickly-Happy to capture this fine animal in his thick winter coat...with me in mine...It was COLD!...
ecause there was "nothing," to photograph....So, I went alone--for 3 days, and found plenty!...
on overwhelmed me, and My composition was not what it could have been...Practice, practice, practice...
-good subject and good gear --as well as good timing, really helps in the capture of our vision........
id enough to give off this most excellent reflection.....Well worth the visit...Don't you think?...
Midmorning and on the prowl....each with our OWN objective in mind.....I consider mine.., achieved!
sed a stop-to hypersaturate these colors--and not blow-out the whites of our oblivious goat friends....
r of it this time, as I wanted the Valley crosp-and the white Mountain Goat not to be blown out........
f the path and them in it....Just another happy family out for a sunny day stroll in early spring......
st love Montana----natural wonders found at every turn---even in the rain...as was these poppies.......
ightless....While his wings were drying-I took full advantage---Hard to take a bad shot, in Montana!...
ste the sky on fire! Shot a stop below what the camera reccommended-to ssturate the colors a bit......
g between us- I'd waited two days to "shoot," this guy-and feel like I got pretty lucky....
;d been looking for-An opportunity to capture the chill of a snowless morning-on a drive to nowhere....
happy for the memories, and the lesson learned--Be Brave!-Be Bold--Get the Shot and wait for More!!!...